Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Liv's Nursery

Zac has been gently suggesting that maybe the kitchen table is not the best place for my sewing machine. I, on the other hand, am reluctant to pack it away with so many projects this close to being finished. So I've been hard at work wrapping up the last touches on the crafts for Liv's room so I can finally post some pictures before she grows up on me and requires a complete room redo...

I think the wallflowers were a nice final addition. Just a bit to fill up an empty corner while the subtle color keeps them from making the space too busy.

Liv's shelves - complete with baby pictures of Mom, Dad, Kian and Liv. The outfit that both she and I came home from the hospital in and a couple of tiny owl touches. The birdhouses still need to be painted - white? yellow? wallpapers with the pink patterned paper? (at least this project won't require a sewing machine)

For some reason, I have proven incapable of making the tissue paper poms that were intended to go in this vase. I had a *kit* and I thought I was a relatively crafty person. These pinwheels were a cute, free alternative.

To hold hair bows and stuff and add a bit more of the bird fabric I love after her bumpers get retired.

Mr. & Mrs. Owl Bookends. Mrs. Owl got a bit rounder with her last pregnancy. Oh well, can't expect perfection when you don't actually use a pattern. I think it add a bit of charm to the couple.

A birthday card from my father-in-law that I saved for a couple years till I had a little girl's room to put it in. Plus Kian & Liv's porcelain baby shoes (as this is one of the few shelves in the house high enough to keep them safe.)

The crib side of the room as it is now.

And what it looked like with the tree decals. I really liked them for about 4 days till they started to slowly slide down the wall. What do you think... leave it blank, paint them on this time, paint them but in a softer brown, add in leaves and pink flowers...

And a bit of homemade fun that did turn out well. I love how these spin with the slightest breeze. So simple & cheap to make too.

A close up of the bedding and my happy girl. It's been a labor of love and I hope it shows how truly loved you are.