35 by 35

I've been inspired to take on my own list of 35 goals to take on before I turn 35.

  1. Get in the habit of lay out out clothes the night before
  2. Bring wipes and a lint brush to work, and use them so I don't look like a mom and owner of a long haired cat - all day, every day
  3. Accessorize 
  4. Get to & stay at my goal weight
  5. Stop drinking soda (unless it is mixed with alcohol - gotta have some leniency here)
  6. Write something every week
  7. Create something every month - create = finish
  8. Learn how to use my camera
  9. Get a family picture taken
  10. Organize and do something with our 2009 and 2010 photographs
  11. Create a 1st year photo montage for Liv
  12. Create a 3rd year photo montage for Kian
  13. A place for everything and everything in its place - go through each room purging and organizing
  14. Get in the habit of spending 15 min each night cleaning up.
  15. Clean the kitchen cabinets
  16. Clean the garage
  17. Decorate the home office
  18. Replace or professionally clean the carpets
  19. Refinish a piece of furniture
  20. Hire a handyman
  21. Spend quality time with just Kian
  22. Find ways to spend more time in general with the kids
  23. Teach Kian to go to sleep by himself
  24. Go BPA free
  25. Plant vegetables
  26. Switch to reusable grocery bags
  27. Bring a (reusable) bottle of water to work each day
  28. Sew a dress for Liv
  29. Run my credit report and handle any issues
  30. Send birthday cards (even if I send them late)
  31. Donate to Ronald McDonald House
  32. Get a quarterly massage
  33. Take a family vacation
  34. x
  35. Get a new job!

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