Monday, September 3, 2012

Master Bathroom

Before To Do List Recaulk Shower Clean & Seal Grout Bleach Ceiling & Walls Prep Ceiling & Walls Prime Ceiling & Walls with Kilz Primer Paint Ceiling & Walls Clean & Touch up Trim ORB Non-Chrome Metals Reinstall Pendant Light Clean Windows & Blinds Reorganize Cabinet Create Toilet Room Storage Repair Faucets Create Window Coverings Possibly Paint Cabinets Purchase Orchid, Toilet Room Baskets, Cabinet Organization

Monday, August 29, 2011

Jumping ahead of the game

I have an issue. Before I finish one project I'm off thinking about the next. So I'm not moving forward on the office at all and yet I'm thinking about Halloween.

I asked Liv the other day what she wanted to be for Halloween. In all honesty, I didn't think she knew what Halloween was or understood the concept of picking a costume. She told me very clearly Go Go Go Gabba Gabba Gabba. Normally I try to convince them away from the overly commercial characters but I'm almost inclined to cater to her this time. Of course even Oct 31st here can be hot so I try to find a costume that she won't melt in during the day but I can add layers to for the evening. A Foofa tutu costume is cute and comfortable if not exactly Foofaish but the image on her chest could help in identifying her.

Or I could sew her a little fabric sandwich board like last years ladybug costume and add an flower in her hair or a hat.

I'm not sure anyone will actually know who she is suppose to be. Maybe some shoes will help?

I of course have a couple of ideas of my own. Olivia the pig would be cute and super simple if I just modified a red dress and buy some striped tights. This might be better if I could get her to wear pig ears and a nose. Not sure that will happen but by the time I can be confident she'll wear accessories on she may no longer let me decide what to dress her as.

This PBK owl cape is adorable but probably too hot.

I could make a modified thinner version and she might actually get some use out of it this fall.

Add in a cute embellished t-shirt?

Tinkerbell would be sweet with her little blond bob. Not a great evening tricker treating costume.

And I'm fairly sure I can convince Kian to be Spiderman. Maybe he needs a Wonder Woman side kick.
