Monday, August 1, 2011

One of my favorite moments

Zac and I trade off who gets the kids to bed each night. I tell Kian that daddy and I have to take turns so that we each get a chance to read them stories but in truth we both savor our nights off. Most evenings one of us will look at the other one and asks - "Is it your night?" Hoping, wishing it isn't our night. I love my off nights with no battles to brush teeth, no whining over one more book, an extra 20 minutes to straighten up the house or just sit in bed and waste time in silence.

Just as I sit and relish the silence of my night off I hear footsteps padding down the hallway. That positively adorable sound of chunky little legs awkwardly running in diapers. I hope I always remember the preciousness of that sound. Liv pops in with her cute little expectant smile. "Do I get my hug?" "Yeeesss!" "And a kiss?" "Yeeess!" A sweet little hug and kiss and off she goes running again with that perfect little sound all over again.

I'll always savor my nights off.

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